Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Making Bread

As a non-cook - meaning I hate cooking with an all-consuming passion - I have developed a capacity for making pretty good sandwiches, salad, and soup. However, bread is a problem. Bread has a lot of chemicals in it and it tastes weird when you get it from the store. Or else, it has NO chemicals in it and gets moldy on the way home from the store. Neither one is so awesome in my book, so...making my own bread seems the right way to go. However, I keep my house as close to 60 degrees as I can, year round, which means there is nowhere warm enough to allow bread to rise, in addition to the previously alluded-to fact that I CANNOT COOK so...my mom got me a breadmaker.

I tried it out last night.

I think the yeast might be a little....off.
Perhaps next time will work better. =)


carla said...

I imagine it still tastes pretty good. Happy summer!

Rikki said...

"Bread has a lot of chemicals in it and it tastes weird when you get it from the store. Or else, it has NO chemicals in it and gets moldy on the way home from the store"

I laughed right out loud when I read that - it took me an embarrassingly long time to get used to humidity when I moved away from the desert. I still struggle with it!