Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Some Love from Blogland

(edited...I forgot to include the actual award. oops)

Mrs. Scribe, over at the Scholastic Scribe, is a high school journalism teacher in the DC area who not only deals with teenagers, but also attempts to corral them into producing a product, specifically in the journalistic style. I have never taught journalism, but I did coach the Mock Trial team for four years, and I currently am the advisor for the approximately 250 angels and miscreants who make up the class who shall attempt to graduate by 2011, so I can identify with the issues that arise while trying to convince 15 year olds to do something, ANYTHING, at all.

Mrs. Scribe has an award on her blog, that is presented to "Superior Scribblers." And in commemoration of 300 posts (in LESS than a year!!!!) she awarded this bling to yours truly.
I'd like to thank the academy...oops, wrong speech.

I would like to thank the approximately 1100 teenagers I have had in my classroom over the last six and a half years for tons of funny stories and painful memories. I will never forget most of you.

And thanks to Mrs. Scribe, who believes I have a "voice."

As with all awards, it is necessary to pass it on and state the rules. Among the approximately 100 blogs I check daily, there are definitely some that I believe have a unique and creative perspective on life....but rules first:

**Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.
**Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author and the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
**Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.
**Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit This Post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives this Prestigious Honor! Mr. Linky was working this morning, so make sure to Sign Mr. Linky Here, and then leave a comment!
**Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.

So in no particular order, here are my choices for Superior Scribblers:

Mrs. Magpie at the Magpie Files has amazingly beautiful prose that reads like poetry. Her blog makes me feel like England must be the most marvelous place in the world and her children are amazing, incredible, mature individuals.

James at Confessions of a Reluctant Pastor is someone I know from WAAAAAAAAAAY back. And he uses words like "harbinger" so you know he rocks.

Somebody has to write scripts too, so Darek and the crew at the HILARIOUS Curious People for a Curious America will entertain you with their sketch comedy....

One of my BFFs Stacie writes great captions for her even more amazing photographs at Stacie Tatum Photography.

and Kori at Between A Whisper and A Roar writes beautiful and evocative words about her life, her husband, and her amazing sons.

So.....write on, friends o' mine, and know that I look forward to reading you each and every day!


Kori said...

Awww thanks. I will blog about it in the next day or so.

Anonymous said...

Wow! My first blog award. Thank you for this great honor.

Colleen said...

WooHoo! Way to go Ms. Neu!! You are awesome at what you do in the classroom, and your perspective always makes me laugh on your blog. Keep it up!