Saturday, October 4, 2008


Thanks for the support, those of you who emailed or called me. It helped.

Some kids schedules have been scrambled, so things have sort of leveled out, and my 6th period is going fractionally better. I have discovered that a couple of my most obnoxious kids are absolutely terrified that I will contact their parents, and the word is out that I called 7 parents from my 1st period class, so they know I'm serious. Things will continue to go mostly in a positive direction.

My shoulder is completely better. No pain! Yea!!

I don't think there is any way my paycheck could possibly get smaller, so I will eventually catch up on all things monetary. I have started the habit over the last few weeks of leaving my debit card at home, thereby removing temptation, and I am working quite a few extra hours.

Homecoming is next week, and there is no school on Friday, so although it will be a busy weekend, I can sleep in 3 straight days.

The weather is cool and rainy (Woo hoo!!) and it finally feels like fall! I can't wait for Indian Summer with crisp, cool weather!

As stated, this is Homecoming Week. Last year, I was amazed at the artistic ability of the various classes as they decorated walls in the commons. This year I am also impressed and hope to post pictures on Monday....but I spent Thursday, Friday, and two hours this morning in the commons with every artistic bone in my body crying in pain as I watched the machinations of the kids in attempting to decorate their wall. The inside of my lip is bloody from where I bit my lip to let them do what they wanted. I left after 2.5 hours, but Clark (co-advisor) stayed with the kids. I refuse to call to see what ended up happening. When I left, they had 2.5 hours left to decorate, and there was NOTHING on our wall and the kids had already torn through an entire roll of Gorilla Tape. In case you aren't familiar with that, that is 35 yards, or 105 feet of tape and all they had hung was 3 trees. Pictures Monday.....

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