Homecoming is a big deal in Texas, but it is a different kind of big deal here. Two weeks before the big dance, the Homecoming theme hints start coming. Then the theme is announced, and that's when the wall decorations go up. Every day there are class competitions at lunch, and then on Friday there is a parade. With floats and a marching band. Then a tailgate party and a cookout, and then of course, the game. Then on Saturday is the homecoming dance. As a class advisor, I am somewhat involved in these shenanigans, and thought I would share them with you....Lucky you.
This year's theme is "If Only For One Night" and the wall decorations are centered around fairy tales, with each class choosing a different fairy tale that will be carried over onto their float on Friday. So last week was spent in a flurry of paper, paint, and tape and the kids spent 4 hours after school on Friday and 5 hours on Saturday morning putting up the decorations.
I am the advisor for the sophomore class, (who chose Snow White) and here was the plan:

Here is the result.....

Here was the plan for the other wall....

And here is the result...clearly there are some issues with following a plan and reading directions.....

The dwarves are pretty good. Very realistic. Unlike the trees.

This is the freshman wall, their theme is
Beauty and the Beast. The pictures of Belle and the Beast are life-sized.

This is the junior wall. Their theme is
Shrek. Just kidding, it's
the Little Mermaid. =) Arielle is also life-sized and the had a larger-than-life, truly excellent reproduction of Arielle and the prince riding in the boat, but they had a lot of trouble getting their work to stick to the wall, so it had fallen down this morning when I took pictures.

And here is the senior wall, who chose
Sleeping Beauty, with a truly great dragon fighting a knight down the staircase. The seniors of course win every year, but they definitely deserve it this year, they did a great job. Simple and awesome.

This is also life-size

More Homecoming joy to come....but at least there won't be mums!!!!! (inside Texas joke...)
So cool! Snow looks great and so do the dwarfs, but damn those college posters in the middle of your forest!
dwarves need college info too...no one wants to be a diamond miner forever!
Bob's school had homecoming last night too. Mums the size of your head throughout the stands. That's one thing I don't miss about teaching high school!
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