Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Meeting of Minds

So a couple of weeks ago, the freshmen elected officers for the coming year, and today the old officers and new officers got together to "pass the torch" and talk about ideas for the coming year, and what worked and didn't work last year. My president this year was a girl who is both a perfectionist and a control freak, and in addition has a naturally whiny voice. She is the one that on a previous post, completely ignored me with the ticket issue for the dance last week, and for the entire year constantly complained that the other girls didn't do anything while at the same time insisted on doing everything herself. So the meeting was going along well, considering we were dealing with 8 freshmen girls, =) and the new girls had some great ideas, and the other officers were telling the new officers all the things they need to know, but then she finishes the meeting with the following words; "Maybe we need to have another meeting, you guys seem kind of dysfunctional." I almost spit out my coke. Definitely the quote of the day.....

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