Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Multicultural Show

Wow....that's a boring title. But I have no energy to make it more interesting....I am utterly exhausted. For the last two weeks, three other teachers and I have been helping the kids organize one of my favorite activities of the year - Multicultural Show. There are 23 acts, including acts from Vietnam, Polynesia, China, Hawaii, India, Laos, Tahiti, Mexico, and the Philippines. There is singing, dancing, poetry, tinickling, tae kwan do, and the ever popular Haka War Dance.

In a is awesome, amazing, fantastic, and incredible and each year I am utterly amazed at the talent of these kids. So the exhaustion is totally worth it. If you live in the Seattle area and are interested in seeing some serious (and cheap - $5) talent, email me by Thursday night and I will give you the info!

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