Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Playing Hooky

I'm not going to school tomorrow, neener neener neener........

Looking forward to staying up late, sleeping in, and a night of crafty goodness.

Today at school was the Martin Luther King Jr assembly. The kids were quiet and respectful for the most part, except when the one kid yelled a gang name out and the principal dared him to stand up and identify himself. And then when the kid wouldn't do it, said Get Your Ignorant Self Out Of Here and all the kids clapped and cheered - FOR THE PRINCIPAL. It made me feel better about teaching here. It's a reminder that not all the kids are part of gangs and not all the kids support those who are. My third period was amazing and awesome and as a reward, they will get cookies during their test on Friday.

The most amusing part of the presentation, however, was that while the gospel choir was singing there was a picture slide show of various African-American and non-white leaders projected behind them. People like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Barack Obama and others were shown on the screen. Some of the others were a little hard to connect, but it could be done, such as Hilary Clinton (um....technical minority (woman) who supports civil rights??) but there was one picture I still can't quite connect to a Black History month presentation - a picture of Michael Phelps.


Anonymous said...


Hmm...maybe michael phelps because he led at the olympics despite being part-fish...?

Ann On and On... said...

Strong Principals rock!

Kids need to see the influence of others, it sounds like the slides was pretty cool. (M. Phelps, not the best choice since his pot smoking photos this week, but he has A.D.D. maybe that makes him different....over coming odds?)

2 days left in my give-a-way...check it out, it's a good smelling gift. :D

Danyele Easterhaus said...

hooray for the principal!! and michael phelps...all i know that sets him apart is his olympic medals. not anything minority related. he does have adhd...still not minority related. hmmmm...weird.

Melissa B. said...

Michael Phelps the pothead? THAT Michael Phelps? We had our Black History Month assembly today, and I got some typical comments..."Why don't we ever have a White History assembly?" Hmmmmmmm...sounds like a good topic for a post!

John Deere Mom said...

Yay for playing hooky! Hope you enjoyed your day off. And your principal? Awesome way of handling that punk!!

Melissa B. said...

BTW…don’t forget Sx3 tomorrow. It has a Texas-sized theme. Something about armadillos?

Ronnica said...

Michael Phelps...especially puzzling considering the marijuana scandal.

Priest said...

Phelps is a no brainer ... he be hitting da pipe Mon, and dats straight "G". There, mystery solved and yer welcome fer shure. Naw, Phelps doesn't make sense, Molly and Amanda Wickman (twin Girls who rock in college Tennis) would have been far better sports role models.