Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Taunting Post for my Texan Peeps...

I have been grading all day (BOOOOOOO!!!!) so I finally left around 5:30 to walk around anad take some pics of the leaves. That's right, the leaves change color here! No really, it's true! No 90 degree October days for us! And fall? Yeah, it's more than one day long! So.....I took a break. I had noticed there were three trees by the entrance to my apartment complex that had turned completely yellow, and were lit up by the sun until they glowed. Of course, by the time I got down there with my camera, the sun was starting to go down, and was off of the trees, but....

No photoshop on any of these. Just FYI, I have a Nikon Coolpix (which I LOVE) and I have had it since July.


Unknown said...

I love the leaves! You take great you adjust any of the settings on your Nikon?

Colleen said...

so impressed by your photo skills. And it was a cool 85 today, thanks! I have to grade all day tomorrow, then a 5k, and amazing race, but I will call you soon.

Christy said...

no adjusting other than occasionally choosing a different menu option (like sports or night shot) but these were all on automatic. I will clarify that I started with 57 pictures, edited it down to 20, and only posted these.

Mom said...

Oh those are beautiful.

Just say Julie said...

I have yellow grass. Does that count?