My 3rd period class is my favorite class. They are fun, cheerful, hard-working, and sweet. There are several girls who are friends in there. They are cheerleader types, but in a good way....perky, consistently cheerful, and just fun. Today, one of the girls came into class MUCH perkier than usual. In fact, she was bouncing off the walls - practically vibrating with energy. She was so bouncy that several of the kids asked if she was tweaking (on meth - a big problem here in the northwest). She was definitely not tweaking, just hyper, but REALLY hyper. She was vibrating so much she couldn't even write in a straight line and definitely couldn't sit still. I finally asked her what was up. It turns out, she tried coffee for the first time today...and not just coffee, but a DOUBLE SHOT WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHACHINO.
In other are some pictures for you...
A ghosty not retouched at all.....

These are played with a little.....=) But only with online photoshop, nothing special.
love the leaf pics and the silly story...
popped over from SITS i am trying to comment on the person who comments before to expand my bloggy horizon...suhweet!
Your photos are absolutely gorgeous.
Sounds like Miss Cheerleader should never have coffee before coming to class.
She should never have coffee EVER. She was like the little squirrel in the movie Over the Hedge.
found on on roll call today...i love the little leaves in the pics. u just can't out-do nature can you?
Hey- I used to teach in Seattle too!! Over at Concordia Lutheran in the Wedgewood area.
Okay the leaves are SO cool! They look like they are that my imagination? And the ghost leaf is really cool too!
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