Monday, September 6, 2010

National Board Certification

This school year I will be attempting to get my National Board Certification, in order to become a National Board Certified Teacher. This is done through the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and is a very intensive, yearlong process that involves creating a portfolio and taking a test showing your expertise in your subject area.

The portfolio has four entries, each between 30 and 50 pages of material, and two of the entries have a required video documentation and analysis piece. One entry is about student work, one focuses on teaching civic competence (small group), one on parent and community involvement and one that has to be done as a large group, but I don't remember the topic. The portfolio is due in March, and after that you take a test at an assessment center that has 6 questions. Each question has multiple parts, you are given 30 minutes to complete each question and each part of the question has to be addressed in your answer.

All that to say that this coming school year will most likely be an insanely busy one. I am still reading and commenting on blogs, but may not be able to post here as much. I think the payoff will be big and the teachers that have done it previously at my school have all said it is very much worth it, but it will be time consuming.

1 comment:

james boutin said...

I hope you do some posting. I want to learn as much about that experience as I can. Good luck!