Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Point of Seattle

Today S and I got up early and took the bus downtown (transferred successfully and everything!!) and met her sister L at the Space Needle and we spent about an hour up at the top. It was COLD this morning (about 50 degrees, and remember, it is JULY 30!!!) and a little drizzly, but it was still fun. Then we took the monorail downtown and poked around the piers and Pike Place, then had lunch at Steamers (mmm.....). After lunch, L had to leave, so S and I walked her back to her bus, then went back to Pike Place, and eventually made our way down to Pioneer Square and the Water Garden before coming back home. I am not sure how much we walked today, but it was at least 3-4 miles minimum, probably more because we backtracked several times, and of course, most of it was uphill.

The Space Needle on a cloudy day...

The EMP (Experience Music Project) museum, designed by Frank Gehry, as seen from the monorail (which goes through the museum)

At Pike Place, I was amused by the instructional sign

I gave S the flu. (Funny stuffed germs...who comes up with these ideas?)

We stumbled across this water garden south of Pioneer Square, it is sponsored by UPS of all people.

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