You know, this time of year is rough. It's cold and wet (snowing today...unusual even for here), the kids are cranky, the teachers are wondering what else they could possibly use a degree in secondary education for, and everyone is thinking longingly of summer days doing many different things - none of them involving school. But when I get down, I call one of my friends at my old school, and talk to her for a while, and I remember why I left and why I am so happy to be here.'s a list of things I am truly thankful for:
1. the principal at my new school truly cares about his teachers and is willing to not only listen, but take action.
2. the teachers at my new school love their jobs and they love their students
3. the teachers at my new school are passionately devoted to doing the best they can do every single day
4. there are no coaches who are coaches first and teachers a very far distant second
5. the attitude is not "me vs administration" but "me AND the administration" which is a small letter change, but a yawning divergence in actual meaning.
Today my students were working on their state-mandated CBA project, which involves a huge amount of reading (thanks, oh wise and all-knowing political schlonkers). So, the co-teacher and I decided that we would let the kids use their iPods or other listening devices while they read for an hour and a half today. Not only did the kids do a great job, but I also got a lot of work done (even without using my iPod). I only had to wake up 2 kids and refocus 2 other kids. Yea for small miracles!!! We'll see if it goes as well on Friday too.
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